Forest Stewardship Council ®

FSCFSC® standards are set in accordance with the requirements of the ISEAL Code of Good Practice for Setting Social and Environmental Standards. This means that the standards are set on the basis of consultations with the major stakeholders. ISEAL is the global association for social and environmental standards systems. FSC® is the only certification scheme in forestry recognized by ISEAL to follow best-practice in standard-setting.

The FSC® logo identifies products which contain wood from forests managed in a correct and responsible manner according to strict environmental, social and economic. The forest of origin was checked and evaluated independently in accordance with these standards (principles and criteria of good forest management), established and approved by the participation and consent of the parties concerned.
The FSC® is an international NGO, independent, non-profit organization that includes among its members, environmental and social groups, indigenous communities, forest owners, industries and trade wood working, scientists and technicians who work together to improve forest management worldwide.